Welcome on DailyFreeFonts.com - the free font archive (TTF fonts for free and cool fonts)!
DailyFreeFonts.com is a free service and we therefore would like to offer only free fonts if possible for the download. So that this remains also, we ask you to follow the note on the right.
We would be pleased about any support of you. If you operate a web site and would put a link to DailyFreeFonts.com on it, we would be very grateful. Of course constructive criticism and improvement suggestions are seen with pleasure.
If you find any font on DailyFreeFonts.com, which does
not offered for free: Please contact us by e-mail! Don�t forget the font name and especially the
download url. |
Have you developed a font of your own and would like to offer it on DailyFreeFonts.com for the download free of charge? Then send us an e-mail. We contact you after this.
The fonts published on DailyFreeFonts.com are property of their authors and are 99% freeware fonts or public domain. The remaining scripts are restrictedly utilizable either test versions or shareware.
Please, notice the readme files into the zips for more exact license details or you see the indicated website of the respective author and contact him if you have questions or doubt what the use of its fonts tackles.
We wish you a lot of joy with the free fonts. |
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LAST UPDATE 05/07/18